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Searched for: organic lawn removal

Pollinator Lawn

What is a Pollinator Lawn? Bee lawns are made of a tight mix of grasses and low-growing perennials that can be used and treated much like a regular lawn but also offer high-quality nutrition to pollinators. Why should I plant a Pollinator Lawn? Pollinator populations have been declining in part due to habitat loss, pesticide…

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Low Maintenance Turf

What is Low Maintenance Turf? Low maintenance turf functions as a typical lawn but is made up of species that require less water, fertilizers, pesticides, and mowing than Kentucky bluegrass. Most low maintenance lawns are a mix of fine and/or tall fescues, both cool-season grasses that are shade and drought-tolerant. The benefits of fescues include:…

Perennial Ground Cover

What is Perennial Ground Cover? With a diverse matrix of native grasses and forbs, perennial ground cover can be adapted to almost any growing condition. It can be low-growing if desired. Why should I plant Perennial Ground Cover? Converting lawn into perennial ground cover offers the maximum ecological impact. In theory, you could turn your…