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Searched for: 2021 04

Summer Maintenance for Pollinator Gardens

Native plants are hardy. Well-adapted to Minnesota’s harsh winters and summer heat, they don’t need much care to thrive. Once established, they provide food for pollinators, strengthen soil, and clean…  Read More


Spring Resilient Workshops Open! Make your outdoor space more beautiful and beneficial for yourself, your community, and your local ecosystem. Our workshops this year include Resilient Shorelines, Resilient Yards, and Turf Alternatives. Learn More and Register

black-eyed Susans in yard

Workshops & Online Learning

Beautify your landscape while planting for clean water and pollinator habitat. Resilient Yards workshops give participants the skills to create their own rain gardens, native plantings, pollinator habitat, and more. Use our free online learning series, register for a live virtual workshop, or do both!

Purchase the Blue Thumb Guide to Raingardens

The Blue Thumb Guide to Raingardens: Design and Installation for Homeowners in the Upper Midwest A Guide for Planting Zones 3, 4, and 5 This 81 page book provides easy to follow directions, templates, and plant information to help you create your own raingarden – turning rainwater into an asset for your yard, while adding…

Partnership Information

How Blue Thumb Partnership Works The Blue Thumb Partnership is a state-wide network of clean water and native plant stewards creating change to bridge the gap between knowledge and action by offering resources and programs to Minnesotans. Blue Thumb Partners include local governmental units, non-profit organizations, and private companies all working toward the same goals. The Blue Thumb Partnership supports…

Lawns to Legumes Grant Confirmation

The deadline to confirm participation in the Spring 2024 Lawns to Legumes program was January 15th, 11:59 pm Central. If you are an awardee who missed the deadline and would still like to participate, please email the L2L Helpline. If your application for Lawns to Legumes individual support was selected, this is where you will…

Apply for Lawns to Legumes Assistance

Minnesota residents are eligible to apply for Lawns to Legumes cost-share funding of up to $400 to create pollinator habitat in their yards. The application deadline for the Fall 2024 Lawns to Legumes Individual Support program is May 15, 2024. Grant recipients will be notified in late May. Lawns to Legumes is no longer rolling over…