Pelican River Watershed District Grants

Cost Share Program

The Pelican River Watershed District is providing cost share financial assistance for low-cost projects to promote efforts that protect and improve water and natural resources. Cost share funds can be used by public or private landowners within the District for implementing projects that assist in one or all of the following:

  1. Protect or restore quality of lakes and rivers
  2. Protect or restore native plant communities and wildlife habitats with emphasis on lakes
  3. Priority will be given to shore land and streambank restoration projects
  4. Innovative approaches to treat stormwater at the source

Eligible Projects Include:

Best Management Practices (BMP’s)

  • Raingardens
  • Vegetated Swales


  • Native Shorelines
  • Buffers
  • Stabilizations

Applications are accepted year round from organizations/individuals for one cost- share grant per year. Project cost share funding is a reimbursement. The District reserves the right to fund partial or full request amounts based upon the project merits and as funds are available. Funding for this program will be reviewed and granted yearly by the PRWD Board of Managers. After all program requirements have been met, approved, and the project  is completed, funds will be dispersed to the program participant(s). Completion of the project must be within one (1) year of approved and signed agreement unless a written extension had been granted by the District.

Funding is a 75% match of eligible expenses with a maximum level of $500 for single family homes, $1,000 for condo and apartment complexes, and $1,500 for not-for-profit organizations, schools, businesses and local government agencies.

See the below documents for more information about the cost share, how to apply, and the maintenance agreement.