Lawns to Legumes Garden Gallery


Twin Cities Metro Area



Project Type(s)

Pocket Planting

Template(s) Used


Site Conditions

Full Sun, Part Sun, Shade

Gardener Name

Kent R

Gardener Comments

I had to change my plant selection during the installation because of the amount of sunlight. I reached out to advisors on site prep, which led me to sod removal vs. Smothering. Additionally putting wood mulch prior to planting, helped with efficiency. Lastly improvisation on the fly based on the plants and site was common, but in the long run will result in a better outcome.
Rabbits will eat everything ! It is fun watching what plants are thriving based on the weather conditions. The prairie plants aren’t doing as good vs the shade and moisture loving plants.

Wildlife Observed

Bees, butterflies, as well as rabbits and my dog who love grazing in my garden.