Lawns to Legumes Garden Gallery


Twin Cities Metro Area



Project Type(s)

Pocket Planting, Native Trees and Shrubs

Template(s) Used


Site Conditions

Full Sun, Part Sun

Gardener Name


Gardener Comments

Sandy, well drained area that was previously thinning grass – between an East side rain garden of tall plants and a West sided evergreen shrub (yew) is less sun than might be ideal for these prairie species.
I intended a short species matrix with stone steps to make it easily passed through in a hopscotch manner. Plants that worked well in this plan: geum triflorum, Pulsatilla vulgaris, Bouteloua gracilis, Scutellaria leonardii, Talinum parviflorum, Antennaria neglecta, carex umbellata, asclepias verticillata, lupine. Not in direct line of path: porteranthus stipulates, baptisia bracteata. Partly shaded: north of amelanchier ‘Autumn Brilliance’ with immediate underplanting that included Gentiana andrewsii and phlox pilosa (rabbit protected) aquilegia canadensis were carex eburnea with Anemonella thalictroides, claytonia species, delphinium tricorne.
What didn’t work great: Packera plattensis – thrives but flowers are taller than stated which make it hard to step over and they flop in the rain. Campanula rotundifolia – which was too easily out shaded or out competed. Unanticipated problem with neighboring Fragaria Virginiana from under the yew which propagated weed like into the newly opened space and is problematic. My bad. Other small dilemmas: I dug the sod up which was fairly thin along with a fair number of tiny ant colonies. I try hard to not disrupt those living in the soil. Not much way around it for this space as I didn’t want to delay planting or use other methods to remove/kill sod. So I did it in stages. Tried to give them time to move and retrieve their eggs to a new spot. Squirrels digging up plants have always been a thing so I used landscape staples, sturdy small stems or twigs from nearby to secure around the base of pretty much ALL new plants so they don’t get unearthed and damaged. Also, with amelanchier, squirrels are damaging to the plant when they forage for berries. So consider this with regard to placement and or protection if appropriate. A tree form that I planted several years ago has sustained damage of sizable branches from their weight and antics to reach the berries. I expect this to be potentially true for any fruit trees. Another problem: postal workers cutting through the shortest line house to house (through my delicate plantings) so they can minimize their steps. I haven’t found a solution that looks nice. Frustrating that humans add to the difficulties. Another challenge: somewhat short steep slope as part of the swath once cleared of sod was not surprisingly prone to erosion so I used materials such as landscape staples etc to secure dried up dead sod and other natural material to secure the soil. Looked a bit unconventional but seems to have accomplished the task. Recommend: leave plenty of space between where you anticipate mowing that converges with the new plantings. Ideally something hardscape so they don’t creep together. Saves frustration and work. A few errant forbs have been allowed until the grass sedge matrix fills in more of the bare spaces. Sumac suckers removed (an ongoing maintenance seasonally).
All in all, the plan is easy enough to tweak and adapt for what is doing well and transplant (remove) those species problematic (other than humans, ha ha). I am very grateful to have had this opportunity to convert more lawn to native plants and am continuing to add and experiment with what does well. The open sandy areas of soil are prime for native solitary nesting bees. I’ve observed Andrena (along with their cuckoo nemesis) and Megachile in this new area. I’m sure there are others I’ve missed. Importantly this area does not accumulate heavy leaf litter in autumn. Other areas of my yard do somewhat. And I bring home bags of oak leaves from neighbor’s on this street in hopes of supporting further habitat as they’re tucked under evergreens, around logs (salvaged from nearby residence and city) and through shrubs. I use branch and twig debris to help hold them in place so they don’t blow away to be vacuumed/raked up again by neighbors.”
Eventually I want to get at a no mow or rarely mowed lawn for the remaining areas of our yard. Don’t be concerned about the cat in photos. He has short guided tours and not free reign to harm living creatures. I hope to provide better photos for the future as I attend to this area and keep it focused on the intended design.

Wildlife Observed

Ground nesting species bee and wasp (solitary), hoverflies, ants, beetles and spider. Hope to spend more time observing and documenting on iNaturalist in the future. Multiple berry eating bird species enjoy the amelanchier as expected. Dragonflies and other insects enjoy the stone path for sunning.