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Partnership Information

How Blue Thumb Partnership Works

The Blue Thumb Partnership is a network of clean water and native plant stewards creating change by bridging the gap between knowledge and action, offering resources and programs to Minnesotans. We work together to lead the way in changing landscaping norms among professionals, property owners, and renters. We aspire to create clean water resources supported by beautiful and sustainable landscapes that minimize the harmful impacts of stormwater runoff and create native habitats in our communities.

Blue Thumb Partners include public and private entities such as government organizations, native plant nurseries, landscape and design businesses, non-profits, and more. The Partnership is governed by the Blue Thumb Steering Committee.

Are you interested in joining the Blue Thumb Partnership? Do you have ideas for collaboration? Fill out the form below!

Become a Blue Thumb Partner

Partner Benefits

  • Turn-key workshops that complete the public education and involvement MS4 compliance (may also support education and outreach measures in city/community wellhead protection plans)
  • Downloadable resources on native plants, pollinator habitat, and protecting clean water
  • Opportunities to speak directly to workshop and program participants
  • Partner events and networking opportunities
  • Monthly updates on Blue Thumb Education programming and partner resources
  • Professional trainings and workshops (ex: shoreline stabilization, soil health)
  • Marketing support to a project-ready state-wide audience through various channels including the Partner Finder tool that refers thousands of visitors annually
  • Signage and outreach displays to check out for events
  • Project collaboration opportunities, peer support and expertise, project referrals
  • Support for publicizing clean water events, programs, activities, and resources

Offset Partner Fees Through Volunteering

Members may fulfill up to 50% (max $500) of fees with volunteer action hours or in-kind contributions. Nonprofits and volunteer-led organizations can fulfill 100% of their fee through volunteer hours. Each action hour is counted as a $50 contribution. “Volunteer action hours” are flexible and partners will be sent both virtual and in-person opportunities throughout the year. Any unfulfilled volunteer hours will be invoiced at year’s end. Your volunteer involvement is encouraged whether or not you provide the full fee contribution to the program.

Become a Blue Thumb Partner

Blue Thumb Sponsorship and Additional Benefits

Your sponsorship helps us fill in the funding gaps in our organization-wide work. We believe everyone has a right to clean air, land, and water. Your support, funding from donors and partners, and our work together, brings us closer to a reality where everyone has access. 

This is also an opportunity for more targeted marketing to a project-ready audience. Some benefits include website and social media recognition. Explore the variety of sponsorship packages below!

Learn more

Partner Resources

Blue Thumb Partners are encouraged to take advantage of Blue Thumb’s downloadable educational resources. Partners have access to a Shared Resources Folder where you can find printable PDFs, images, presentations, and more. You can also download resources from our website by visiting our Resources Page.

Partners and non-partners are able to purchase our “The Blue Thumb Guide to Raingardens” book by Rusty Schmidt, Dan Shaw, and David Dods if you are planning to purchase 10 or more books. Exclusive to partners, our popular Magic Roots display is available to rent out or purchase for events.

Click on a button below!

Pay Your Partner Dues Online

Partnership Agreement

2024 Impact Report

Blue Thumb Partners Shared Resources Folder

Blue Thumb Steering Committee Members

Co-Chair: Stephanie Hatzenbihler, Stearns County Soil & Water Conservation District

Co-Chair: Bob Dahm

Member: Bre Bauerly, Minnesota Native Landscapes

Member: Diana Grundeen, Trio Landscaping

Member: Christina Schmitt, Hennepin County

Member: John Anderson, RSPT – City of Cloquet

Member: Shahram Missaghi, City of Minneapolis

Member: Kendra Sommerfeld, Rice Creek Watershed District

Member: Angela Hugunin, VLAWMO

Metro Blooms Staff