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Prairie Dock
Silphium terebinthinaceum

a.k.a. Prairie Rosinweed

Prairie Dock can grow up to 12 feet tall, with leaves that grow to full size in early summer and yellow flowers that blossom in late summer. A good competitor with aggressive/invasive prairie grasses. Attractive to bees and its seeds are favored by goldfinches.

USDA symbol: SITE

General Information

Plant TypeForb
Height6 to 7 feet
Light ExposureSun
Soil MoistureMedium
Bloom ColorYellow
Prairie Dock (Prairie Dock<div><em class="small">Silphium terebinthinaceum</em></div>)
Photo credit: Minnesota Wildflowers (Click to enlarge)


Flooding / Inundation ToleranceModerate
General Resilience8
Salt ToleranceMedium
Stress ToleranceDrought Tolerant, General Disturbance

Pollinator Value: High

Bloom MonthsJuly to August

Project Planning

Project TypeErosion Control, Restoration
Coefficient of Conservatism6
Herbivore SensitivityMedium
Rate of SpreadMedium
Soil StabilizationDeep


CountyCarver, Dakota, Freeborn, Hennepin, Hubbard, Olmsted, Ramsey, Renville, Stevens, Wabasha, Washington