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Ebony Spleenwort
Asplenium platyneuron

Ebony Spleenwort is a small woodland fern that is a Minnesota species of Special Concern. It has a shiny, brown-red stem and evergreen leaves that emerge from a short rhizome.

USDA symbol: ASPL

General Information

Plant TypeFern
Height8 inches
Light ExposurePart Sun, Shade
Soil MoistureDry, Medium
Bloom ColorGreen
Ebony Spleenwort (Ebony Spleenwort<div><em class="small">Asplenium platyneuron</em></div>)
Photo credit: Minnesota Wildflowers (Click to enlarge)


Flooding / Inundation ToleranceLow
General Resilience5
Salt ToleranceNone
Stress ToleranceDrought Tolerant

Pollinator Value: None Known

Bloom MonthsApril to May

Project Planning

Project TypeRain Garden
Coefficient of Conservatism3
Herbivore SensitivityLow
Rate of SpreadMedium
Soil StabilizationShallow


CountyDakota, Fillmore, Houston, Wabasha, Winona