Lawns to Legumes Garden Gallery


Southern MN



Project Type(s)

Pollinator Lawn

Template(s) Used

Sunny and Low Garden for Pollinators (BWSR)

Site Conditions

Full Sun

Gardener Name

Richard M

Gardener Comments

We started with a partly shady yard, then had to remove a huge elm tree after the first year that transformed the area to full sun. We basically had to start over. Several of the plants did not survive. We ordered our second round of plants from the nurseries recommended by Blue Thumb Partnership. The plants are thriving and we’re seeing lots of bees and butterflies.
When planting the first year, the plants seemed a bit sparse, but patience paid off, and this year the plants have exploded. Several plants have spread so much that we’ve transplanted to bare areas. We are still looking for the right ground covers that will survive the heat and some traffic. The goal is to have it as self-sustaining as possible.

Wildlife Observed

We have honey bees, bumble bees, and several varieties of butterflies include viceroy and monarch. Rabbits and squirrels enjoy visiting. We keep the larger animals out with a fence.