Lawns to Legumes Garden Gallery


Twin Cities Metro Area



Project Type(s)

Pocket Planting

Template(s) Used


Site Conditions

Full Sun

Gardener Name

Ginny Halloran

Gardener Comments

I got great exercise using the manual “kick” sod remover that I rented for this pocket garden installation. I planted in September 2023 and the “after” picture is mid-June 2024. Plants were all very small plugs.
I look forward to seeing the flowers bloom over the 3 seasons and how the garden evolves over the next few years. It feels like a living art form with nature (native plants) being the co-artist.

Wildlife Observed

I’ve noticed bees and more dragon flies than ever in this pocket garden this spring and early summer. Tennis players in the park across the street have indicated they’ve seen more butterflies on the court!