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Searched for: projects

Give to Blue Thumb

Blue Thumb encourages people to plant native plants, put in raingardens, complete shoreline stabilization projects and other practices to protect clean water,  support pollinators, and choose turf alternatives that require less watering and fewer inputs. Blue Thumb is a program of the non-profit Metro Blooms. A donation to Blue Thumb goes through Metro Blooms to…

Celebrating Lawns to Legumes

Lawns to Legumes projects have kickstarted countless neighborhood conversations around planting for pollinators.  “We had so many people pass by while we were working,” one participant shared. “I am inviting…  Read More

fountain creek watershed district logo

Fountain Creek Watershed District

The Fountain Creek Watershed District works to preserve and protect the health of the Fountain Creek Watershed through on the ground projects and engaging programming. We have initiated and completed…  Read More

Protecting Lakes with Native Plants

Kat Dickerson is like any other Minnesotan—she loves jumping headfirst into a lake. But during her old job as a water quality monitor, there were some lakes she refused to…  Read More

Prairie Restorations

For more than 45 years, Prairie Restorations has proudly produced a full range of native seeds, plants, trees, and shrubs for restoration projects ranging from residential properties to large commercial…  Read More

person bent over planting in garden

Fall: A Great Time for Native Planting

Cooler mornings, yellow-tinged leaves—the first signs of fall are in the air. As summer’s blooms begin to wane and the warm hues of goldenrods and grasses take their place, it…  Read More

Native Resource Preservation

NRP was founded in 2014 with the goal of bringing a non-intensive approach to ecological restoration focused on people and the land. From Twin Cities’ roots, we have grown to…  Read More

Blue Thumb Job Board

Job seekers, please follow any links below to find more information about job opportunities. Opportunities highlighted in light gray indicate a listing from a Blue Thumb partner, sponsor, or funder. Blue Thumb Partners and others are encouraged to share open positions with us. Please email your job listing information to