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Fourpoint Evening Primrose
Oenothera rhombipetala

Fourpoint Evening Primrose, a Minnesota species of Special Concern, doesn't produce flowers until its second year, boasting prolific yellow blossoms with diamond petals that bloom throughout the summer season. Like other Evening Primrose species its flowers don't open until dusk or in cloudy conditions. It prefers dry soils but still needs consistent watering to maintain its blooms.

USDA symbol: OERH

General Information

Plant TypeForb
Height1 to 3 feet
Light ExposureSun
Soil MoistureDry, Medium
Bloom ColorYellow
Fourpoint Evening Primrose (Fourpoint Evening Primrose<div><em class="small">Oenothera rhombipetala</em></div>)
Photo credit: Minnesota Wildflowers (Click to enlarge)


Flooding / Inundation ToleranceModerate
General Resilience7
Salt ToleranceMedium

Pollinator Value: High

Bloom MonthsJuly to September
Larval Host ofBees
Specific Pollinators HostedLasioglossum lusorium, Lasioglossum texanum
Pollinator BenefitInsect Pollinated, Provides Nectar, Supports Generalists

Project Planning

Project TypeErosion Control
Coefficient of Conservatism4
Herbivore SensitivityLow
Rate of SpreadMedium
Vegetative ReproductionAbsent


CountyAnoka, Chisago, Cottonwood, Hennepin, Houston, Wabasha, Washington
EcoregionDriftless Area, Lake Agassiz Plain, North Central Hardwood Forests, Northern Glaciated Plains, Western Cornbelt Plains
Approximate Eco ProvinceEastern Broadleaf Forest, Prairie Parkland, Tallgrass Aspen Parklands